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NEW 15W UV Ultraviolet Blacklight With Tube Holder For Discos,Nightclubs, Counterfeit and Forgery Detection
Includes 1x 15W UVTube and Tube Holder with UK 3 Pin power cableUV Blacklight Ultraviolet wave length: 365nm; Ultraviolet output: 80W/cmThe tube holder is approximately 465 x 40 x 100mmSupports 1.5 Foot, 450mm, 45cm [18 inch] Tubes1.5m 3 Pin UK mains lead
This is a fluorescents tube with a difference. It has special internal coating to produce deeppurple light and large amounts of UV light. The purple glow of a black light isnot the UV light itself, which is invisible, but visible light which escapesbeing filtered out by the filter material in the glass envelope. By using thesame technology as a fluorescent tube to generate light outputs but with asignificantly lower power requirement running costs are reduced and lifeexpectancy increased.
These bulbs emit UVA, the long-wave type ultraviolet light,and are intended for use in special situations. This can be simply for lightingeffects, such as in discos, theatres, clubs etc. The invisible UV light isreflected back in the visible spectrum by fluorescent materials and dyes e.g.white clothes glow brightly in the dark, fluorescent posters illuminate,fluorescent paints light up. Also useful for curing applications of pigments,inks, adhesives, varnishes, coatings and gels.
Other uses of UVlight is in authentication, e.g. security markings on currency & creditcards, certificates of authenticity on software packaging, as well as specialinks used by security marking pens; non-destructive testing of materials andreading of otherwise illegible papyri and ancient manuscripts; analysingminerals and gems, and other detective work including authentication of variouscollectibles – materials may look the same under visible light, but fluoresceto different degrees under ultraviolet light.
UV light can be used for alternative illumination ofsubjects of photography, as many plants, seeds, fruits, and especially flowersappear different, as they would to some insects, birds, and reptiles that cansee near-ultraviolet light. Entomologist use UV light for attracting andcollecting insects.
In forensics black lights are required to observefluorescence of substances and are used as an investigative tool at crime sceneto locate and identifying body fluids and changes brought on by decomposition.
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